
Fiction : Science fiction with an emphasis on good story-telling and adventure. Interstellar settings especially welcome, also stories of Earth in the far future. I am also interested in stories of contact with other intelligent species, or even stories that deal exclusively with other species. Humor is always welcome, but must be well-done. Of course, really good stories need not be limited to the preceding descriptions.
Non-fiction : Articles with a scientific or technological focus, author interviews or profiles, artwork (query first), book, movie and TV reviews

What we do not want : Out and out fantasy, sex bordering on pornography (although sex in context is not impossible), sadistic violence, and especially thinly disguised political rants. Grim, noir type ideas certainly can be acceptable, but I don't want a magazine exclusively filled with dangerous visions
I am also extremely interested in contacting people to sell advertising space in the magazine. Such people would receive a portion of the advertising fee obtained.

Electronic submission is the only form I will accept, and please query first. Send your submission as an attachment in .rft format. The only formatting I want is a carriage return at the end of each paragraph. YOU MAY DOUBLE SPACE, BUT ONLY BY SETTING YOUR WORD PROCESSING PROGRAM TO GLOBAL DOUBLE SPACE RATHER THAN MANUALLY ENTERING AN EXTRA CARRIAGE RETURN AT THE END OF EACH LINE. DO NOT INSERT TABS AND LEADING SPACES. I know this sounds picky, but we are finding it much easier to edit files that fit the aforementioned guideline. 

Fiction: 2,000-12,000 words. ½ cents per word ($25.00 maximum)
Articles: 1,000-2,500 words; $10.00
Reviews: 800-1,200 words; $5.00
Artwork: To be negotiated

I will be paying for first North American serial rights for original works. Payment will be on acceptance. (Some items may be published on the website.)

If you have received no response after two months, send me a reminder via email. 

Yes, but first query. I will pay half the normal rate for a reprint.

I am also extremely interested in contacting people to sell advertising space in the magazine. Such people would receive a portion of the advertising fee obtained. 

William L. Rupp

Keep checking the website's news section for the status of upcoming issues of CONTINUUM SCIENCE FICTION. If you query first, you will possibly save everybody time and effort.

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